Isnin, 30 Januari 2012

i love english

I realize that , I must improve my English, bc0z in the next semester, there is a lot of presentation that require me to speak in, in order to achieve that, recently, I have bought two novel (in English) “Afterward, by Rosamund Lupton” and Kidnapped & catriona by Robert Louis.(My mom really wants me to become a lecturer actually) I don't know, I can achieve that or not, because I always wanted to become a famous reseacher , as I am in biotechnology field, but, insyaALLAH I’ll try my best mama… for me..impossible is nothing..and I will try my best to achieve whatever I desired and wanted to!!! I have been talking so much in English today, practicing my pronunciation…haha… awesome..

"MY FIRST TRIAL" posting lepas ni saye akan mula typing in english, sy tau byk kesalahan, tp sy akan cuba yang termampu, everyone learn from thier mistakes"

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